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Sudan: While the RSF is creeping into town after town, there is nothing left for the government army than bombing civilians

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Casualties in Wad Madani have reached 300while the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) is continuing with their march on government position. Grave violations and identity-based killings by army military intelligence against unarmed civilians from the regions of Darfur, Kordofan and Jazira are monitored in the aftermath of the conflict erupted in Jazira last week.

People walked on foot for days to flee to the south of Jazira to Sennar and Al-Damazin, the capital city of Blue Nile state. The town is witnessing a significant influx of displacement. The residents of Al-Damazin are crossing the border into South Sudan due to their concerns about the conflict spreading to the state.

The RSF have now imposed restrictions on the movement of citizens, preventing them from leaving Wad Madani. Families are unable to reach their injured relatives at the Hantoub health center due to these measures.

After gaining control over the entire region from Khartoum to the Soba suburb and most recently the Jazira region, the military vehicles of the RSF are seen advancing towards the northern province of Sudan, the gates of Sennar and Al Qutaynah, in the White Nile state.

As response to the RSF’s recent moves, the excavation of trenches and declaration states of emergency in the cities of Shandi, Atbara, Port Sudan, and El Gadarif are taken. The bases are inspected by the SAF Commander of the Red Sea Region, who subsequently closes a main street in Port Sudan due to security concerns. 

Mustafa Babiker, a resident of Port Sudan said “The SAF authorities in Port Sudan have become aware of the potential threat posed by the RSF people are no longer allowed walking at night and tourist areas along the Red Sea are closed now.”

The civilian leadership which is led by former PM Abdalla Hamdok advocates for the eradication of war. It praised the accomplishments of the traditional leaders in Hilaliyya and Rufaa, two towns in Jazira state. These leaders successfully reached an agreement with the RSF prior to their arrival in the cities, aiming to protect the civilians from any harm during the RSF attack. This achievement is seen by Hamdok’s group as a remarkable model that should be emulated by traditional leaders in other towns. However, it is worth to note that in Ardamata, a town situated in western Darfur of El Geneina, the Masalit community fell victim to ethnic cleansing despite the existence of a deal between the local leaders and the RSF. The militiamen disregarded the agreement and committed heinous acts of violence against the civilians in the city.

The islamists of former president Bashir and SAF supporters strongly denounced these agreements and urged the residents to join forces, rally together, and fight alongside the SAF to achieve triumph over the RSF.

Since the battles erupted in April the army has not won any victory over the RSF. In recent fight in Wad Madani, the army generals withdrew from the ongoing combat leading to the defeat. The civilians mobilized in the army with inadequate training, were denied of weapons by the army officers to combat the RSF in Wad Madani.

On Thursday, December 21st, al Burhan, the military leader from Port Sudan addressing his army, made a commitment to take action against the generals who retreated during the battle. Many supporters of army believe that the betrayal is the reason for army defeat in the town. Rahiq Hassan furiously exclaimed “that’s why the war is being prolonged and it is evident the army is losing and it is due to betrayal within the army itself, even in Khartoum. The army is achieving nothing, and during every RSF attack, the high-ranking officers always manage to retreat. This implies that the Islamist elements in the army are leading the poor army soldiers and civilians who recruited and fighting with them into death!”

Others see it opposite and emphasize other reasons for the decline of the army. “This situation unveils the state of the army over the past three decades. The army has endured marginalization, neglect, and a decline in strength. Regrettably, the Sudan Army Forces find themselves in a dire situation, and the responsibility lies with the army commanders who allowed the RSF to expand unchecked, ultimately leading to their excessive power and a desire to dominate the entire country now.”  Mustafa Babiker added.

As the RSF is creeping into other towns after taking over the major towns in Darfur and Khartoum and sustaining their controls by taking over Wad Madani, there has nothing been left for the army other than imminent threats to the civilian lives. Like the way the government army is now bombing Al Fashar and Nyala.

Darfurian being rounded up by the government army while it was still in control of Wad Madani.

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