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Dreams of a boy from Darfur

Reading Time: < 1 minute

By Dr. Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek

I dream of a new black suit
With a long tail and a leather boot
And two socks, the size of my foot
I dream of a shirt with long buttoned sleeves
Embroidered with animals, birds and leaves
And a high collar
And a tie with a fine color
I dream of a red brick school
With a high wall
And a swimming pool
And a field for football
To share with my mates
I dream of a book of my own
And pencils of my own
And a bunch of color pens of my own
And a drawing book for me, for me alone
Then I will be able to draw flowers,
in the forest and butterflies,
and the moon in the bare skies
and a bird on a tree comes or flies
I will draw dogs in the backyard
Caring not of the eyes of the spy
Or curiosity of the passersby
Then I will draw my beautiful Mammy’s face
Bearing the features of my race
I dream of a loving teacher
With a red dress
And a smiling face
Always full with happiness
Seeing me at the school’s gates
Showing me the pleasure of learning
With my fellow mates
I dream of a TV set
To watch Tom & Jerry’s
And Cinderella in the Wonderland
And the tales of fairies
I dream of a flute to play
To please my Dad and Mom
And when I am tired or bored
I would climb to my bed
With a heavy head
And bid a good night to my sister
And have a sound sleep
In the long nights of the winter
With my pet
I dream with a cup of milk in the morning
With a loaf of bread
To share with my brothers and sisters
In fact, I dream of a warm home,
With Dad and Mom.

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