ArtsDreams of a girl from Darfur

Dreams of a girl from Darfur

Reading Time: < 1 minute

A poem by Dr. Ahmed Gumma Siddiek

I dream of a morning full with peace
With no planes on my head shooting my place
I dream of bread just a piece
But bread is far as the moon
You can see HER face
But hard to reach and seize
I dream of a dress
with some red buttons
And a pin for my hair
and a scented soap
And a paint for my nails
and a scarf of cotton for my head
I dream of a singing toy
with whom to talk
And share my dreams
when we sleep or walk
I dream of a bed to sleep on
And a pair of slippers of my own
I dream of a sheep
And a farm to reap
I dream of going to school with a nice mate
Who will share all my secrets and share my fate
Then together we read, write and draw
Pictures of birds, animals, flowers, deserts and snow
And we do arithmetic problems, and English, too
I dream of peace
Peace for me
Peace for my friends
Peace for my Dad and Mom
Peace for my dog
Peace for my doll
I dream of peace for Darfur as a whole.

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