

It is war once more in South Sudan

Optimism about a quick end to the conflict in South Sudan has evaporated and the old wounds are being re-opened

How Islam from the north spreads once more into the Sahel

Conservative Islam comes to the Sahel with an unstoppable mission mentality and the way paved by money from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Pakistan.

From Mungo Park to the UN invasion of Mali

"Hello mate," writes Matt in an email. "Welcome! You can come back to the Sleeping Camel. I've decided to stay open. Because the UN...

Son ignores family and hangs out with Neighbours…

By Robert Ocholla Kenya’s greatest, most famous and popular expatriate, American President Barack Obama is on his first major African tour. Fortunately or unfortunately depending...

No easy solution for a divided Mali

Proud ladies in expensive, colourful costumes ride on mopeds through the blue smoke hanging above the streets of the Malian capital Bamako. The perky...

The enemy has become invisible

After French and Malian military chased insurgents out of some of the main cities and towns they had conquered, the insurgents withdrew into the rice fields. Or they fused with the population in the surrounding villages. They have become invisible.

Caroline Mutoko: A Critical Look at Kenyan Media

Caroline Mutoko is one of Kenya's most-famous and most-popular radio show hosts. Her highly critical column on the state of Kenyan media was refused by her newspaper. She published it on her Facebook page instead.

The Challenges of Retaking Northern Mali

Once considered Africa’s flagship of democracy, Mali has turned into a shipwreck of anarchy seemingly overnight.

UK and US must play more consistent hand to end world’s worst war

Economically growing Africa attracks foreing investors. But how can Africa prosper when it's heart is at war with itself. Why do US and UK not play a bigger role in solving Congo's problems?

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