

“Without a man, everything is possible.”

Florence Onyang Oror is poor and disowned. That is because she is a widow and she denied inheritance by her brother-in-law after the death...

Once more the Maasai will be expelled from the Garden of Eden they helped to create

It's called a Wonder of the World. Around the lush green-clad mountain ranges of the Rift Valley and the sea of plains in the...

The elite in Kenya has its own highway in the sky

One thing all elites of African countries have in common: they know their way to the airport. But what if that road is always...

Kenyans vote while the cartels rule

Peter Kamau (30) squats in the muddy roadside near the village of Kaharati and searches for an errand, for an opportunity to unload bunches...

The era of the cow has come to an end

He was the toughest of the toughest. Yet the around thirty years old Lkipseina Lenawuosho has stopped living the harsh nomadic life, he has...

The nomadic spirit at breaking point due to persistent drought in Somalia

  Abdillah Fara's kraal Photography Petterik Wiggers/ Text Koert Lindijer The village meeting in Budunbuto is rudely disrupted when the nomad Abdi storms in. “Water, water, who...

The storm gathers in the desert around Al Fashir in Darfur

As the village of Wadda awakens to the sound of pigeons, chickens and donkeys, an old man rides his camel over the sand that...

Sudan: “The more blood that flows, the stronger the spirit of the revolution will be”.

Sudan and her killed son Susan Nasir's eyes have sunk deep into her sockets from prolonged crying. Mohamed Majid, her 17-year-old son, is one of...

If Africa lags behind in the fight against corona, it will give mutations of the virus a tailwind

  “Without a job, you die here” says Martin Maina (38) in the Kibera slum in the Kenyan capital Nairobi. Leaning against the earthen wall...

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