

Kenya elections: Tribal politics lead to violence and bad governance

Go into one of the many new shopping halls in Nairobi and you will be amazed how much Kenya has become part of the...

Why the next Pope should be an African

The numbers and the zeitgeist dictate that the next Pope should come from Africa. The number of Catholics in Africa has grown from 55 million in 1978 to more than 150 million today. By 2025 that figure is expected to be 230 million.

Gangsters Paradise

By Robert Ocholla So Kenya is heading for another General Election in a couple of days’ time!! What makes it so special that all World...

Men and The Horror Of Rape: Patriarchy

Patriarchy in essence is a system of rape, abuse and molest. Patriarchy kills not only females, female energies and qualities seen as feminine. It also wrecks everything possibly positive in qualities seen as masculine. Patriarchy takes without ever giving back.

Caroline Mutoko: A Critical Look at Kenyan Media

Caroline Mutoko is one of Kenya's most-famous and most-popular radio show hosts. Her highly critical column on the state of Kenyan media was refused by her newspaper. She published it on her Facebook page instead.

Boko Haram: The root cause of the conflict is ideological

The violence by Boko Haram in Nigeria has become endemic. The Nigerian military does not seem to have the capacity to defeat the terror band. And succesful peace talks are not likely either. Nigerian journalist Ahmad Salkida knows Boko Haram well from reporting in the past from Maiduguri.The root cause of the conflict is ideological.

Is Obama Circumcised? Americans Vote!

Africa epitomizes poor or non-existent leadership, dictatorship, clinging to power at all cost leaders and general anarchy and chaos before, during and after elections. Need I give examples Zimbabweans, Kenyans and Ivorians???

A Glimmer of Hope for Somalia

Never was there so much optimism for a better future of Somalia. But the challenge is huge.

Africa’s Fabulous Mineral Wealth that isn’t ALL there

In the euphoria outside Africa about the economic potential based on minerals exploration of the continent, some falsehoods are being spread. Both on a per-square mile and a per capita basis, Africa lags behind the global average in mineral production and reserves.

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