

It is eery in the Central African Republic

The Central African Republick is lost in the heart of Africa. Thugs are terrorising the pupulation. It smells like mass murder in the country and more is still to come.

How Islam from the north spreads once more into the Sahel

Conservative Islam comes to the Sahel with an unstoppable mission mentality and the way paved by money from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Pakistan.

Mali conflicts undermine economic growth

Horses, cars, donkey carts, motorbikes and pedestrians compete with one another over the limited space on the narrow quay of Mopti. Market stalls, lining...

Conservative islam is on the rise in poor Mali

The mosquitoes in the car do not observe Ramadan and eagerly attack when we drive away from the Malian capital Bamako in the early...

The Great Digital Leap Forward in Africa

IHub is an oasis of modern order in the otherwise so chaotic Kenyan capital Nairobi. Absorbed on their screens and with headphones strapped on,...

Run up to Kenyan elections already bloody

Eric Kioko is in seventh heaven. He has been working since the first of January as ‘DJ Talanta’ with the popular radio station Ghetto...

Touareg, scapegoats of Mali’s misery

Mohamed Moctar is packing his belongings. There is not much is his room besides a sleeping mat, a blanket, a small sound system, a...

The enemy has become invisible

After French and Malian military chased insurgents out of some of the main cities and towns they had conquered, the insurgents withdrew into the rice fields. Or they fused with the population in the surrounding villages. They have become invisible.

Kenya coast boiling of anger

Islamic radicals and a movement which wants indepence for the coast both exploit anger about marginalisation and youth employment. The Kenyan coast is boiling.

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