Battle against islamism brings back international real politics to Africa
Increasingly the way in which the global battle against Islamism is being fought will trump the values for which the West proclaims to stand in Africa.
The body blows dealt by Nairobi to the ICC have human rights groups questioning whether the court can -- or should -- prosecute atrocities in South Sudan and other African states.
Aging African leaders should make space for the younger generation
It is time for the aging leaders to make space for the younger generation
Homosexuality is worse than Terrorism!
By Robert Ocholla It was on a cold evening on March 26, 2014.The evening quietness and tranquility was broken by a loud shriek of a...
Uhuru Must Step Up To Tackle Rhino Poaching
Poaching has gone beyond being "alarming". Conservationist Paula Kahumbu calls on Kenya's president to act.
A book on and by gays in Kenya
By Ilona Eveleens A fresh breeze is blowing through the gay community in Kenya since the beginning of this year. First, the famous Kenyan writer...
Kenya and the ICC: “Don’t be vague, go to The Hague,” (but send Bush and Blair too)
This is a crucial moment for the International Criminal Court. If it drops the ball or the UN Security Council (UNSC) kicks the Kenyan...
The entire Kenyan populace needs to come out strongly in defence of the new constitution
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