OpinionA call for military intervention in Sudan

A call for military intervention in Sudan

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Dr. Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek

The war that erupted in Sudan on April 15, 2023, has had devastating consequences for the country and its people. Thousands of Sudanese citizens have lost their lives, and many more have been injured as direct victims of the fierce fighting between the Sudanese Military Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. The capital city, Khartoum, has transformed into a ghost town, with its streets and buildings deserted, occupied by stray animals and armed militias. The conflict, now spanning 160 days, shows no signs of abating, and the people of Sudan are caught in the crossfire, used as human shields by both warring factions. Despite the valiant efforts of civilians to encourage negotiations and peace initiatives, the war rages on, leaving the Sudanese people as the ultimate losers. This essay examines the dire situation in Sudan, highlighting the urgent need for international intervention to end the conflict and protect the innocent lives at stake.

I. The Ongoing Crisis in Sudan

The war in Sudan is not a recent development but rather the culmination of a long-standing struggle for power and resources. Political instability, ethnic tensions, and economic challenges have plagued the nation for years, creating a breeding ground for conflict. The events leading up to the current crisis are deeply rooted in Sudanese history, making a resolution all the more complex.

A. Humanitarian Impact

The most tragic consequence of the conflict in Sudan is the loss of innocent lives. Thousands of Sudanese citizens, including men, women, and children, have fallen victim to the crossfire. The fires of war have engulfed their homes, schools, and places of worship, leaving behind a trail of destruction and despair. The wounded, both physically and emotionally, continue to suffer without access to adequate medical care or psychological support. Furthermore, the conflict has forced millions of Sudanese to flee their homes, seeking refuge in the countryside or abroad. These displaced individuals, traumatized and bereft of their belongings, face a bleak future. Their properties have been looted, their cars stolen, and their furniture destroyed. The once-vibrant capital city of Khartoum has been reduced to a ghost town, with deserted streets and buildings serving as a haunting testament to the toll of war.

B. Use of Human Shields

One of the most disturbing aspects of this conflict is the deliberate use of civilians as human shields. Both the Sudanese Military Forces and the Rapid Support Forces have positioned themselves behind innocent citizens, effectively putting the lives of men, women, and children at risk. This reprehensible tactic has not only endangered the lives of Sudanese civilians but has also complicated efforts to resolve the conflict peacefully.

II. Failed Local Efforts

The Sudanese people have not been passive bystanders in the face of this crisis. Civilian-led initiatives have been launched in an attempt to encourage the warring parties to enter into negotiations and accept international peace proposals. Despite these valiant efforts, the conflict persists, and neither the Sudanese Military Forces nor the Rapid Support Forces have made significant headway in ending the war. This stalemate has left the Sudanese people feeling abandoned and betrayed by their own institutions.

A. A Plea to the International Community

In light of the ongoing devastation and the failure of local efforts to resolve the conflict, it is clear that external intervention is desperately needed. The international community, particularly the United Nations and Sudan’s African neighbors, must heed the Sudanese people’s cry for help and take immediate action to bring an end to the war. The following are critical steps that must be taken:

1. Immediate Ceasefire: The first and most urgent step is the establishment of an immediate ceasefire. Both warring factions must lay down their arms to prevent further loss of innocent lives.

2. Peace Negotiations: The international community should actively mediate peace negotiations between the Sudanese Military Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. The America and Saudi Arabian peace initiative could serve as a viable starting point for negotiations.

3. Protection of Civilians: A multinational peacekeeping force should be deployed to protect Sudanese civilians and prevent further use of human shields. This force should be well-equipped and authorized to intervene decisively to ensure the safety of civilians.

4. Humanitarian Aid: Humanitarian organizations must be granted unrestricted access to deliver much-needed aid to the affected population. Food, clean water, medical supplies, and psychological support should be provided to those in need.

5. Rebuilding and Reconstruction: Efforts should be made to rebuild Sudan’s infrastructure and help displaced citizens’ return to their homes. International support is crucial in this regard to ensure a swift recovery.

III. The Urgency of International Intervention

The situation in Sudan is dire, and the longer the conflict persists, the greater the humanitarian crisis becomes. The Sudanese people, who have endured unimaginable suffering, look to the international community for hope and salvation. However, the responsibility of ending this war and protecting the Sudanese people does not rest solely on their shoulders. It is a shared responsibility of the global community to uphold the principles of peace, security, and human rights.

A. Lessons from History

History has shown that prolonged conflicts in any region can have far-reaching consequences, including the destabilization of neighboring countries, the spread of extremism, and a surge in refugee flows. Sudan’s crisis has the potential to exacerbate regional instability and undermine international peace and security.

B. The Moral Imperative

Beyond the strategic considerations, there is a moral imperative for the international community to intervene in Sudan. The suffering of the Sudanese people, who have endured months of violence and displacement, should compel nations to act swiftly and decisively. The core principles of human rights and the responsibility to protect must guide international action.

C. The Role of the United Nations

The United Nations, as a global body tasked with maintaining international peace and security, must take a leading role in resolving the Sudanese crisis. The UN Security Council should pass a resolution authorizing a robust peacekeeping mission with the necessary resources and mandate to protect civilians and enforce a ceasefire.

D. African Leadership

Sudan’s African neighbors, particularly the African Union, should play a central role in facilitating peace negotiations and supporting efforts to end the conflict. African leadership and diplomacy are essential to achieving a lasting resolution in Sudan.

To conclude

 The war that has ravaged Sudan since April 15, 2023, has left a trail of death, destruction, and despair in its wake. Thousands of innocent Sudanese civilians have lost their lives, and millions have been displaced from their homes. The international community cannot stand idly by while this crisis unfolds. It is a moral and strategic imperative to intervene in Sudan, enforce an immediate ceasefire, and work tirelessly to bring about a lasting peace. The Sudanese people have demonstrated immense resilience and courage in the face of adversity. They have called upon the international community to come to their aid, and their plea should not go unanswered. The world must act swiftly to end the suffering in Sudan, protect its citizens, and help rebuild a nation torn apart by conflict. The time for action is now, and the world’s collective conscience demands nothing less than a resolute commitment to peace in Sudan.

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