

Touareg, scapegoats of Mali’s misery

Mohamed Moctar is packing his belongings. There is not much is his room besides a sleeping mat, a blanket, a small sound system, a...

The enemy has become invisible

After French and Malian military chased insurgents out of some of the main cities and towns they had conquered, the insurgents withdrew into the rice fields. Or they fused with the population in the surrounding villages. They have become invisible.

Kenya coast boiling of anger

Islamic radicals and a movement which wants indepence for the coast both exploit anger about marginalisation and youth employment. The Kenyan coast is boiling.

Native inhabitants of Lamu see new port as threat

In March 2012, Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki gave the go-ahead for a second port in Kenya. The new harbour, calculated to cost over twenty billion Euros, will be constructed in Magogoni on the mainland, just opposite of the archipelago Lamu and some hundred kilometres south of Somalia. Lamu views the arrival of the harbor with trepidation.

The Nuba Crisis: A Continuing Assault

The war in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan continues unabated. A rare eywitness account

When Antonovs fly over: history repeats istelf

The story was published 12 years ago. Many Sudanese today would not notice a difference. A old postcard from Antonov

Homosexuality in Kenya: Pushing from behind!

Kisumu is a Macho city, situated more than 350 Kilometers from Nairobi on the shores of Lake Victoria, it’s an area known for braggers who wine and dine big or small time flossing about their property and women, how do gays fair against this population?

Mali: If the music dies…

Mali finds itself in a political paralysis. A rebellion, an islamist uprising, a coup-d'etat: within mere months a seemingly stable country collapses under unresolved issues. A way out can't yet be seen. But Mali can't survive for long without peace. Singer Oumou Sangare: "We need peace to sing and dance."

Shuga may shock

Times on Kenyan TV have surely changed: Soap Opera shocks in a country where just 25 years ago a President banned American TV programmes for showing bikini-clad ladies performing some mildly sensual dances. A new century, a new president. A new TV.

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